Im about tired of Females finding it "CUTE" To call me a damn Teddy Bear! Fellas out there, who have the same problem tell em! Im A FEROCIOUS LION, HEAR MY ROAR!! ARRRRRR( In a MUFASA TONE)!!! What the hell is up with this TEDDY BEAR fascination that females SEEM TO HAVE!?!?! Just because you are cute,small, and dainty, we dont call you a shitsu?! How would you like that?!?!
No, but on the Real, is that a compliment oR NOT?!?! Just Because im a kind-hearted fun-loving individual, that doesnt make me a damn TEDDY BEAR! Whoever agrees with me, STAND UP AND SAY..... IM NOT A TEDDY BEAR!! I am A ROARING LION! Since you want to put me in a box, I have figured a plan to take over the world through my image!
Well, Initially It was a problem to be looked at as a teddy bear! Now I have realized that i can use this to my advantage! HAHAHAHAHAHA( Sinister Laugh). When someone robs a bank, do you ever think of a teddy bear? When someone gets Jumped, do you suspect a teddy bear GANG?!?! When there is a cuss out session, do you suspect a teddy bear WITH A DIRTY MOUTH!?!? NOOOO! Therefore, i am going to take this image that i have formed, and use it to my advantage! VIVA LA TEDDY BEAR! I am going to do all these things, and get away with them! WHY?!!?!? Cuz you'd never suspect a teddy bear to be responsible for such things! LOL... Nah but on the real..... Is it a compliment or not to be considered a teddy bear via a female? Ladies let all the teddy bears of america know today!!!! I really would appreciate your comments on the blog! THanks! CrAcK hOuSe rOcK IS HERE TO STAY! OWWWW!!!