SOOOOOO, it starts out a beautiful night! When Myke "Drink" and Al B get together its always good times that follow....PAUSE! We had the opportunity of hanging out with Our college Friends in newark last night. The night went smooth! We had a few drinks, shot the breeze, and even watched Chris Rocks Stand-up Performance.....DOPE(Medina's Fav)! After we finished laughing our hearts out, and living it up, we Decided it was time to depart. We leave out, and 5 minutes later we hear a distinct sound! Initially what sounded like we were running over a consecutive row of Wild Animals! So, we say WTH!?!?! We get outside and check to see what the hell is going on!!! AN EFFIN FLAT TIRE....3am +Full Moon+ Flat Tire + Below Freezing Temperature, + the heart of the hood is NOT a good Combination!!! Now we are thinking, this is some 10 O'clock News type ISH.........We are Sitting damn DUCKS! At this point we are like what do we do? So after we see a few Fiends, and Suspicious passerbyers(if thats even a word) we decide we gotta get to a lighted area! So we drive to the nearest OPEN gas station. When we arrive, it seems like a scene from Fiends let loose at night! Hella fiends Walking thru the LOT like its a CLUB(think about the song the freaks come out at night, and replace freaks with FIENDS!)! Imagine the Hottest club you know! Yesss!!! Just like that, but full of fiends! LOL... But hey, Drink and myself arent scared to punch a niggas lights out! LOl... Well, after an hour of watching strange individuals conduct weird transactions, AAA came and fixed the flat! Right after, like a prom dress on a hot STEAMY night we were OFF( SHOUT OUT TO THE SCHIMSTER)!
THANK GOD the situation panned out the way it did, cuz...... 3am + Flat Tire + Below Freezing Temperature, + the heart of the hood is NOT a good Combination! LOL... thanks for tuning in!
lol............i love it........something like that kinda happened to me one night but good thing my homies were having a frat party that night so i was good.........i hate gettin a flat cuz i had to ride on the doughnut lol.........and i love the pic lol