I am TIRED OF THIS PLAGUE WE HAVE CALLED HOLLYHOODNESS! Hmpph! First and Foremost, i would like to shout out all my People that are HOLLYWOOD.....and STILL IN THE HOOD! Yall gotta change this or you're gonna stay THERE!
Throughout my day, I interact with various people from many different walks of life! They include Musicians, Lawyers, Teacher's, Entrepreneurs/Negro's, and may other occupations! I must say that i am blessed to have this privilege. One thing that has become a pet peeve of mine is Unnecessary HOLLYWOOD ATTITUDES....DUDE, YOU ARE STILL IN THE HOOD! You are not on any1's BILLBOARD! Now, not to say that there is anything wrong with the hood, but rather, we need to learn to work together AND EMBRACE EACH OTHER!! HollyHoodness, is a social disease that will cripple anyone in their community! It is a social defense Mechanism to keep unfamiliar people out of your camp! Dude, your hood is but SO BIG!! Branch out, and expand your mind~ I'd like to thank those of you, who are the opposite! Lets make this $$$$$~~~
Often Times people are so intimidated by someone Else's movement/progression, that they stray away and isolate themselves! That is the quickest way to LOSE in any industry!!! We must all realize that there are different strengths and weaknesses that we all possess! Please do not run from excellence, but rather accept and OPEN YOUR EARS and listen and trade off vital information! If not, you will never progress AS MUCH AS YOU CAN! Progression is about diversity, and diversifying is about opening your mind and heart to new things that you will be able to utilize in life! So what that you are from the burbs, and he is from the hood, and vice VERSA! You both have information that will be applicable in life!! Becoming a more well-rounded person through exposure to others will ONLY make you more VALUABLE!
Seriously people, Hollywood mentality is not even acceptable for people who have made it! Human beings were created to work together in harmony! We have to work together! Many in Body One in Mind! That is one of the quotes that my team follows DAILY! Sooooo.... hang up your ego, and work with some1 now! Hollywood is no longer the BAR, but rather Socialite ways are the new COOL!! We have to be more similar to a Jewish community...every1 works together, and has a vital role in their community! I don't need to explain it, Simply compare their community to ours.... ENOUGH SAID~
Also, Shout out to Tre Dice, Nafiys Blakewood, Ash-Morgan, Medina Blaire, Omar Jones(Nexxt level ENT), DJ SCOOP, HOODSTAR Lux, Chantal B. and my other people who are on the Entertainment grind, and the road to GREATNESS! If i missed you, its only because i don't want to shout out 10,00 names! Next Blog i got you!
Al B Young Mogul
Amen! you are on point with this post. I never heard the term hollyhoodness but it makes sense, lol. Some people do want to put on airs or prevent others from reaching success, but as you said everyone has strengths, weaknesess that most time people can use to help one another or at least develop a strong connection. I can see though how some people's mentality might be, "i'm trying to make it too, i can't share too many resources with just everybody"
ReplyDeleteHowever, people don't even have the same "type" of goal, they're just chasing success so it doesn't make sense to block others out especially if they come at you the right way and are just on their grind too..